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Needs employees

Рабочий, разнорабочий Австрия 5 лет назад

137 Номер объявления: #229


In connection with the increase in staff, our team needs to be replenished with initiative, goal-oriented people.
Ready to develop, learn, reach new horizons.
In the process of work you will be trained, according to the results of which you will become specialists ready for independent work.
Work that is in demand around the world.
We are located in Danmark, in a picturesque and ecologically clean area.
This has a wonderful relationship within the team, because you not only work here, but also live.
Constantly bringing into it all a piece of their care and participation.
We are glad to invite to us both men, women and couples.
For all questions, please write to email: post_avers765@yahoo.com.
Best regards, Narconon Europe.

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