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workshop decorative creatures fantastic animal figures decorations for street theaters

На заказ - Везде - 4 лет назад

88 Номер объявления: #5262


workshop decorative creatures
fantastic animal figures
decorations for street theaters
all types of surroundings, sculptures, decorations for street productions, water shows, quests and interactive games for children.
The material provides complete safety when exposed to atmospheric precipitation, heat or cold. Patented technology. Extensive work experience. We can do everything.

Цена: 150.00 €


- Везде -, Россия, Санкт-Петербург

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150.00 €

- Везде - Россия, Санкт-Петербург 198328

Об авторе объявления

Nicholas Gerasimidi
Nicholas Gerasimidi 4 лет назад
Nicholas Gerasimidi
Registered 4 лет назад
We can do everything. Extensive experience in the theater. Scenery, masks, kinematic figures. Mechanisms and sculptures for quests. Inventions and Patents

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