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98.00 €
Meteorite, rare type, black melting crust, no magnetic properties found, natural opening matrix is light, matrix after processing is dark, extraordinary stone, with powerful positive energy, talisman, decoration, gift and, perhaps, investment Price $ 110 per gram Possible order or selection according to various crite...
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3 лет назад
98.00 €
191.00 €
Meteorite HED
* Meteorite exhibits weak magnetic properties * The melting bark is black, shiny, which is characteristic of achondrites * The base is yellow-brown, brown, brown-yellow, sometimes with green, similar to sandstone and the like, in which small inclusions in the form of black dots, microbreccia, such a color scheme is cha...
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4 лет назад
191.00 €
60.00 €
A stone, mineral, probably from space * Visible, recognizable colors and shades of cognac, honey, amber, a little green, lemon, a small area of white, probably impactogenic * Hardness within 6 on the Mohs scale * Well translucent, Inhomogeneous purity, glitter inside the sample, it is difficult to see what exactly, b...
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4 лет назад
60.00 €
200.00 €
Martian Meteorite
Rare sample, Achondrite, Martian Meteorite, Shergottite, Price is per gramm $222 Contact >> what'sapp Meteor shower fragment Black distinct fusion crust Composition martian meteorite, Main components Pyroxene, Plagioclase Maskelynite, Olivine *Large assortment achondrites, lunar, asteroid and martian meteorites, ...
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4 лет назад
200.00 €
200.00 €
Martian Meteorite Black Beauty of the Caucasus
Rare sample, Achondrite, Martian Meteorite, Shergottite, Price is per gramm $222 >> what'sapp The largest fragment of rain ~ 400 gramm, Composition martian meteorite, Main components Pyroxene, Plagioclase Maskelynite, Olivine *Large assortment achondrites, lunar, asteroid and martian meteorites, Rare samples, pri...
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5 лет назад
200.00 €
200.00 €
Meteorite Achondrite
Meteorite, very rare achondrite Price is per gramm >> what'sapp *Лучший выбор ахондритов на Юге России *The best choice of achondritis in the south of Russia
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5 лет назад
200.00 €
60.00 $
Meteorite Titanium
Очень твёрдый образец, только алмазным надфилем удалось обработать эту часть, Магнитные свойства хорошие, Блеск матрицы металлический, содержит немного чёрных включений, кора плавления почти чёрного цвета, Вероятно, содержит карбид кремния, и, предположительно, в состав входят такие твёрдые металлы как хром, кобальт, в...
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5 лет назад
60.00 $
111.00 €
Meteorite, a rare sample, has weak magnetic properties, increased specific gravity, pronounced black melting crust * Price is per gramm $120 * Large assortment achondrites, lunar, asteroid and martian meteorites * Martian Meteorites shower * Rare samples, prices are inexpensive * On the site we demonstrate only a small...
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5 лет назад
111.00 €
88.00 €
Meteorite, Rare sample
Meteorite, Rare sample, Цена за 1 грамм €88 Price is per gramm, >> what'sapp *Лучший выбор ахондритов на Юге России *The best choice of achondritis in the south of Russia
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5 лет назад
88.00 €
180.00 €
Meteorite Rare sample
Meteorite, Rare sample Price is per gramm *Large assortment achondrites, lunar, asteroid and martian meteorites, Rare samples, prices are inexpensive *The best choice of achondritis in the south of Russia!! Only some samples are presented on the site *Good buyer good discount, contact >> what'sapp
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5 лет назад
180.00 €
200.00 €
Lunar Meteorite, Achondrite
Meteorite, Very rare achondritis, Lunar Anorthosite Basalt, Price is per gramm What's app >>
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5 лет назад
200.00 €
206.00 €
Martian Meteorite 火星陨石 Achondrite Rare
Фрагмент метеоритного дождя необычной формы, ромб, Внутри образец коричневый, или цвета песчаника, в матрице пироксена могут встречаться чёрные включения плагиоклаза мэйсклинайт, Чёрная неравномерная глянцевая кора плавления, очень характерна для марсианских метеоритов, Магнитные свойства практически отсутствуют, что т...
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5 лет назад
206.00 €